Hybrid Cloud Storage Vs. Public Cloud Storage

November 01, 2021


As businesses are expanding, they require more and more storage solutions to keep up with their ever-increasing data demands. The cloud has transformed the way businesses store their data by offering multiple types of cloud storage solutions. Two popular options are Hybrid Cloud Storage and Public Cloud Storage. In this article, we'll compare both technologies to help you understand which is the better solution for your enterprise.

Public Cloud Storage

Public Cloud Storage is a storage solution that is provided by a third-party cloud service provider. It's based on the shared pool model, where multiple users share the same infrastructure. It offers multiple features such as virtualization, scalability, and data recovery options.


  • Public Cloud Storage is the most cost-effective solution as you only need to pay for what you use.
  • It reduces operational costs as you don't need to maintain hardware and IT infrastructure.
  • It provides high levels of data availability and redundancy.


  • Public Cloud Storage relies exclusively on the internet, which can be a problem in regions with poor connectivity.
  • Data security is a concern, as it's susceptible to hacking attempts and data breaches.
  • If the cloud provider goes down, the data becomes temporarily unavailable.

Hybrid Cloud Storage

Hybrid Cloud Storage is a combination of public and private cloud storage solutions. It allows enterprises to store their sensitive data on a private cloud while keeping the non-sensitive data on the public cloud. It provides better security and scalability compared to Public Cloud Storage.


  • Hybrid Cloud Storage provides higher levels of security and data protection, as sensitive data is not entirely reliant on the public cloud.
  • It's cost-effective as you can move data between private and public clouds based on their priority and value.
  • Hybrid Cloud Storage offers better scalability than Private Cloud Storage, as it can utilize the resources from the public cloud.


  • Hybrid Cloud Storage requires an IT team with expertise in both public and private cloud solutions.
  • It can be difficult to manage and integrate the two cloud environments.
  • The initial setup cost can be high.


Both Public Cloud Storage and Hybrid Cloud Storage have their advantages and disadvantages. Public Cloud Storage is the cheapest option, but it lacks security and may have connectivity issues. Hybrid Cloud Storage, on the other hand, provides a more balanced solution for security, scalability, and costs.

We recommend that enterprises make their decision based on their business requirements, budget, and sensitivity of data. Whatever your preference is, we recommend consulting professional cloud service providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform before making any decisions.


  1. Public Cloud Storage Vs. Hybrid Cloud Storage: Which is Better for Your Enterprise? - DZone
  2. Public Cloud Storage vs Hybrid Cloud Storage: Advantages and Disadvantages - Medium

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